Semsang HDR Sramt TV
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Semsang HDR Sramt TV

2 Reviews Sold: 0


  • Unrestrained and portable active stereo speaker
  • Free from the confines of wires and chords
  • 20 hours of portable capabilities
  • Double-ended Coil Cord with 3.5mm Stereo Plugs Included
  • 3/4″ Dome Tweeters: 2X and 4″ Woofer: 1X

Availability: 45 in stock


Availability: 45 in stock

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Frequently Bought Together

Hit The Road with Kilburn II

  • Kilburn II offers 20+ hours of portable playtime on a single charge.
  • Multi-directional sound via Bluefin stereo sound; Frequency Range: 52 – 20,000 Hz
  • Comes equipped with Bluetooth 5. 0 apt technology for wireless music play. Play music with any Bluetooth device at a range of up to 30 feet away from the speaker
  • New durable design with new grill and corner caps
  • Kilburn II features multi-host functionality so you can easily connect and switch between two Bluetooth devices.
  • Gross weight: 550g
  • Battery indicator on top panel
  • Quick charge option (20 minutes -> 2 hours playtime
  • IPX2 rating

What do you get

Sound of Marshall, unplugs the chords, and takes the show on the road.
Weighing in under 7 pounds, the Kilburn is a lightweight piece of vintage styled engineering. Setting the bar as one of the loudest speakers in its class, the Kilburn is a compact, stout-hearted hero with a well-balanced audio which boasts a clear midrange and extended highs for a sound that is both articulate and pronounced. The analogue knobs allow you to fine tune the controls to your personal preferences while the guitar-influenced leather strap enables easy and stylish travel.

The FM radio is perhaps gone for good, the assumption apparently being that the jury has ruled in favor of streaming over the internet. The IR blaster is another feature due for retirement – the S6 had it, then the Note5 didn’t, and now with the S7 the trend is clear.

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Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure. To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise, except to obtain some advantage from it? But who has any right to find fault with a man who chooses to enjoy a pleasure that has no annoying consequences, or one who avoids a pain that produces no resultant pleasure

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